Cycling in urban areas can be incredibly intimidating to a new rider. But, with some basic bike safety riding tips maybe it doesn't have to be!
Where to ride?
Not all cities ban riding on the sidewalk, but sidewalks are for pedestrians. Instead you should ride on the right side of the road, with traffic. (Never ride on the left side - against traffic).
What to do at an Intersection?
First ask yourself where you are headed. If you are making a right turn, be sure to position yourself on the right side of the lane and near the curb. If you are planning on turning left, position yourself near the center line.
How do you use Hand Signals?
Make hand signals well in advance!! Turning on a bike is quite similar to turning in your car. First look over your shoulder, then signal, then give one last check, and turn!
For a left turn: Extend your left arm straight out to your left.
For a right turn: You can either use your left arm bent at the elbow with your fingers pointed to the sky; OR, you can extend your right arm straight out to your right.
Stopping: Bend your left arm at the elbow and point your fingers toward the ground.
Shifting Gears 101
Simply put, low gears are for slow speeds, and
high gears are for high speeds. Be sure to shift into a lower gear
before stopping to ensure for a smooth start up once you start riding
Think Ahead!
Just like driving a car, it's smart and safe riding to anticipate behavior and movements of the others sharing the road. Keep your eyes open, and stay aware!
Know Where You're Going!
Plan your route! Get the best cycling directions to get you safely from point a to point b! Use our handy map your ride web app before you leave for your ride! And, take the directions on the road with the Bikepath Country Mobile App (available for Android and iPhone)!
All in all, ride defensively! Remain alert and prepared for the unpredictable!