Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bike Path Funding For Your Town

As the great article on Politico, "Cities Forge Own (bike) Paths" begins, "It's a familiar path: As demand for bike and pedestrian projects skyrockets, federal funding shrinks."

NY, NJ, CT all did choose to keep their recreation trails funding whole, which is of course great news for the the folks who use these paths!

What if we also take fundraising into our own hands? Bikepath Country helps to raise money for municipalities in order to maintain, restore and expand the current bike path infrastructure. Not only does this funding go to support repair and expansion of bike paths, but also to adding water fountains, park benches, restroom and maintenance of local parks and other community spaces.

Bikepath Country was established to help preserve and expand this country's bike path system, as well as to promote a clean and healthy environment for the community. Through the use of socially responsible advertising, municipalities are able to raise money specifically for their parks and recreation department.

Although demand is on the rise, we can't just rely on government funding to ensure we are providing safe bike paths, walkways, and parks to our communities! Get involved in your community, email municipalities (at) bikepathcountry.com or call 855.4.BIKEPATH (855.424.5372) for more info!

On bikepathcountry.com you can also find health and fitness tips. And, before you leave your house for a ride log on to map your ride, and get accurate cycling directions. Oh, and if you'd rather take those directions with you, we got an App for that! Try out our free Bikepath Country App available for iPhone, iPad and Android users. Take it for a spin, and let us know what you think!

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