Wednesday, November 28, 2012

B is!

Sure the letter B could be for bananas, but for me it has always been for bike. The lack of bike paths in towns across this country, now that's bananas!

2013 is just around the corner. It should be priority for towns to start realizing that 'if you build it, they will come'. Ok, so in the context of this conversation it might be more like, 'if you build it, they will ride...', but you get my gist. Of course, the issue of 'who will pay for it' generally finds it's way into infrastructure conversation. Sure, building bike paths and dedicated bike lanes is costly, not to mention the signage and other maintenance involved in keeping the paths rideable.

But, that's what we do. Bikepath Country is working directly with municipalities and businesses to take a new approach on raising funds for bike path creation, as well as to help pay for the costs related to maintaining parks and recreation facilities.

Do you know of a bike path in your town that needs some repairs? Or maybe you just really wish your town had a paved bike path? Let us know how your town/city is doing!


  1. Here in Topeka, Kansas, there are two bike-able paths, but no dedicated lanes or paths for cyclists. Not sure you would be able to help, since bike-friendly initiatives have failed 5 out of 5 times since I have lived here and the drivers are very hostile. I hope for change and there are more of us on the roads lately, but I am a realist about this. I don't think it'll ever change.

    1. Thanks for your input Dana. It's unfortunate to hear that bike-friendly initiatives have failed 5/5 times. I'm sure it deters folks from furthering the push to make Topeka more bike friendly. BUT, we are glad to hear that y'all are doing what matters most...taking to the roads! Some day we will be our own Copenhagen!
