res-o-lu-tion / noun
1. The act or process of resolving
- the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones
- the act of answering
- the act of determining
New Year's resolution
1. A commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. Made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings.
Resolution season is among us! So what will your resolution be? Here are some ideas to help boost your health!
Resolution 1: Reduce Stress Levels
Of course we know this is sometimes easier said then done, but here are some tips to help:
- Start by identifying the aspects in your life causing you the most stress.
- Next, try to take control. See what changes you can make to help reduce and maybe even prevent some of the stress from the previous year.
- Exercise, yoga, meditation are all great and proven stress-reducers.
Resolution 2: More Exercise
This is probably one of the most common resolutions. We all know about the famous boost in gym goers at the top of the New Year!
- Start small: 30 minutes a day, for 5 days a week.
- Find activities you enjoy. Exercise doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights or run on the treadmill. Maybe you prefer swimming or walking or even cycling! It's all about getting that heart beating!! Doesn't mean you can't have fun while doing it!
- Try and exercise at the same time every day, to help make it part of your routine.
Resolution 3: Eat Healthy
Food is delicious, and sometimes bad food is really delicious! But now that the Holiday season is coming to an end, life will get back to its normal routine, and eating healthily can go back to being a priority!
- Try to substitute red meat with other proteins like fish or chicken.
- Pay attention to that food pyramid. Be sure to have both fruits and vegetables every day!
- Drink water! Sugary drinks can be the biggest culprit for weight gain in your diet!
- Read the labels. Look for whole grains as opposed to refined grains. High fiber foods will tend to be more filling, and also generally are lower in calories! Conscious eating!
Whatever your New Year's Resolution may be this year, we wish you well on your journey! Of course as always we'd love to hear your tips on following through on your resolutions! And, if you've got a unique resolution for this year, share it with us!
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