Cleaning out your unhealthy environment… Get out the trash bags!
"If it comes through a car window, it’s not food". - Former Arkansas's Governer Mike Huckabee
Food is your foundation for good health. It is tempting to describe individual foods as “good or bad”; it’s straightforward and simple. Yet, while some foods are more nutritious than others, labeling foods as simply “good” or “bad” may lead to restrictive eating, or negative attitudes about food in general…..not so good. A more healthful approach to eating is one that focuses on the positive components of food and the importance of eating a balanced and sensible menu. A balanced diet means choosing a variety of nutrient-rich foods as the foundation of what you eat. "Healthy” foods are those that are nutrient-rich—or have a large amount of key nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, per calorie. Nutrients--such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc, calcium, complex carbohydrates, potassium, iron, fiber, B-vitamins and protein—are needed at all ages to promote healthy growth, fuel activity and prevent chronic diseases. As limit our total caloric intake to lose weight, it's critical to make each calorie count by selecting foods with more essential nutrients in fewer calories.
To obtain these important nutrients, choose nutrient-rich foods which may include the following:
Low-fat and fat-free dairy
Whole grains
Colorful fruits and vegetables
Green tea with lunch or dinner, instead of soda or sugar-sweetened beverages
Lean meats, seafood, eggs, beans and nuts
The more nutrients you can include in your diet from these foods, the more balanced and healthy
Your overall diet will be. You don't have to entirely give up your favorite foods to eat a healthy diet. If your core choices are nutrient-rich, you can round out the rest of your diet with less nutrient-rich foods as calories and exercise levels permit.
To create a healthy mind set and lifestyle, don't focus on eating to lose to live, nourish and protect your body. Our goal in the coming days is to eliminate sugar, processed foods and starchy carbs from our menu while replacing them with nutrient rich foods. This is how our bodies were intended to be nourished. So grab the trash bags and start cleaning out your refrigerator, pantry, glove compartment, desk drawer...any and all hiding places for those less nutrient rich foods and snacks. If it's not with in your reach you are not going to eat it!
To your success,
Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H