Friday, April 20, 2012

Increase Your Fiber Intake

Boost Fiber Intake…It's Easier Than You Think!

So why more fiber? Fiber is one of the easiest nutrients to incorporate into your diet, and one of the most important! However, many Americans don’t get the much needed 25 to 30 grams recommended daily for a healthy diet. Insufficient fiber intake can increase your risk for many health problems, including constipation, high cholesterol, weight gain, irritable bowel syndrome, and even colon cancer.

So what is Fiber and how do I get more of it?
Fiber is the fibrous part of a plant food that your body cannot digest. Therefore, when it passes through the digestive system, it acts as a broom, sweeping out all unnecessary waste leftovers from digestible food. Fiber can be found naturally in many foods, and in
Supplement form. 

Here are some easy ways to add fiber to your diet:

  • Replace your white bread with whole wheat bread.
  • Choose whole grain cereals over the junky ones.
  • Beans, beans and more beans.
  • Increase consumption of Fruits and Veggies.
  • Supplement, but only as a last resort.

Also it’s important to note that when you increase your fiber intake you must increase your water intake as well!

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Find Your Balance

Find your balance between food and physical activity.

Becoming “a healthier you” is not just about eating healthy, it's also about physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. It also helps you control body weight by balancing the calories you take in as food with the calories you expend each day. In general, I recommend being physically active for at least 30 minutes, most days of the week. Then increasing the intensity or the amount of time that you are physically active over time to achieve even greater health benefits. Additional time may be needed to control body weight and keep it off. We don’t want to lose it and find it again! We want to remove the excess unhealthy fat. About 60 minutes a day may be needed to attain this. CONSIDER THIS: If you eat 100 more food calories a day than you burn, you'll gain about 1 pound in a month. That's about 10 pounds in a year! The bottom line is that to lose weight, it's important to reduce calories while increasing your physical activity.

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Breakfast or No Breakfast?

Not a breakfast eater? Neither am I! But if you are someone who thinks skipping breakfast will help you lose weight, think again! Studies show that breakfast is associated with better weight control. Also, it’s important to note that breakfast eaters tend to eat fewer calories overall, less saturated fat and cholesterol and have better overall nutrition than breakfast skippers. Here are the facts, when you skip breakfast, your metabolic rate slows down and your blood sugar drops. As a result, you become hungry and have less energy. This sets you up to impulsively snack in the morning -often on high-fat convenience foods - or to eat extra servings or bigger portions at lunch or dinner. Here’s a healthy option for you that I have been using for years, a satisfying healthy shake. My favorite breakfast on the go, 1 scoop whey protein powder, soy/rice/almond or low fat milk, your choice, 1 cup a fresh or frozen mixed berries, and ice, blend and enjoy!. YUM! You can add ground flax seeds, a nut butter, the choices are endless. Give it a try!

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So what should your plate look like??

I love the new recommendations issued by The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. Check out what your plate should look like. MyPlate from illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet. This is a great visual aid to help you choose what to eat and the proper serving size before you fill your plate. To learn more about building a healthy plate, check out and select from the food groups to help you choose wisely.

What I also love about this site is the numerous free resources to guide you on you healthy journey. This is essential to ensuring your long term success.

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Monday, April 16, 2012

Get Out The Trash Bags

Cleaning out your unhealthy environment… Get out the trash bags!

"If it comes through a car window, it’s not food". - Former Arkansas's Governer Mike Huckabee

Food is your foundation for good health. It is tempting to describe individual foods as “good or bad”; it’s straightforward and simple. Yet, while some foods are more nutritious than others, labeling foods as simply “good” or “bad” may lead to restrictive eating, or negative attitudes about food in general…..not so good.  A more healthful approach to eating is one that focuses on the positive components of food and the importance of eating a balanced and sensible menu. A balanced diet means choosing a variety of nutrient-rich foods as the foundation of what you eat. "Healthy” foods are those that are nutrient-rich—or have a large amount of key nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, per calorie. Nutrients--such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc, calcium, complex carbohydrates, potassium, iron, fiber, B-vitamins and protein—are needed at all ages to promote healthy growth, fuel activity and prevent chronic diseases.  As limit our total caloric intake to lose weight, it's critical to make each calorie count by selecting foods with more essential nutrients in fewer calories.

To obtain these important nutrients, choose nutrient-rich foods which may include the following:
Low-fat and fat-free dairy
Whole grains
Colorful fruits and vegetables
Green tea with lunch or dinner, instead of soda or sugar-sweetened beverages
Lean meats, seafood, eggs, beans and nuts

The more nutrients you can include in your diet from these foods, the more balanced and healthy
Your overall diet will be. You don't have to entirely give up your favorite foods to eat a healthy diet. If your core choices are nutrient-rich, you can round out the rest of your diet with less nutrient-rich foods as calories and exercise levels permit.
To create a healthy mind set and lifestyle, don't focus on eating to lose to live, nourish and protect your body. Our goal in the coming days is to eliminate sugar, processed foods and starchy carbs from our menu while replacing them with nutrient rich foods.  This is how our bodies were intended to be nourished.   So grab the trash bags and start cleaning out your refrigerator, pantry, glove compartment, desk drawer...any and all hiding places for those less nutrient rich foods and snacks.  If it's not with in your reach you are not going to eat it! 

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Determine Your Why!

 Determine your why!  Previously, we discussed the importance of keeping a daily journal. Your first entry was to determine your "why". Find your compelling "why" that will inspire you to take immediate and consistent action towards overall better health and well being.
Next we need to be honest and specific about where we are right now
as we begin this journey towards optimum health and fitness. A great place to start is to contact you physician and schedule complete physical examination and blood profile before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. It's important to make sure you are healthy enough to begin and exercise regimen and to discuss the important those base line numbers with your doctor. Also, nothing is more motivating than to watch your numbers improve over time! Your doctor can also help you figure out your BMI. Your Body Mass Index can help you identify your goal weight or optimum weight. Body Mass Index equals a person's weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Your doctor can help you set a healthy goal weight using a BMI chart and an appropriate time frame to achieve your weight loss. On average a healthy body can lose 1-3 pounds of fat per week. But there are many factors that come into play and this should be discussed with your health care provider.
Once you and your health care provider have discussed all your important base line numbers, your goal weight based on your BMI and an appropriate time frame in which to accomplish your goal weight you need to write it down in your journal and give it a deadline!

"Goals are dreams with deadlines". - Diane Scharf Hunt

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Take Action

Take Action! It's up to us to decide to take the first step. Make the decision that now is the perfect time to commit to achieving your health and fitness goals. But how do we do it? Health really is a multi-dimensional experience of the mind, body and spirit and should be thought of as a process that is constantly evolving and constantly changing. As you begin to make small incremental changes in your eating habits, activity levels and mind set you will start to feel better and better mentally, emotionally and physically.  Small changes over time are the key to lasting change.

"Take the first step of faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step". - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Make the Commitment

Make the commitment!  Each time you take action towards your personal fitness and wellness goals, you will find that you reaffirm and deepen your commitment.  One of the first steps that my clients are required to do on a regular basis is to write down their goals and keep a daily journal.  This is to ensure that they become totally accountable to themselves.  So your first step is to get a journal and start writing!  So what should you write in your journal?  A good place to start is to answer a few questions - Why do I want to start exercising consistently?  Why do I want to lose weight?  Why do I want to kick the bad habits? More importantly, why right now? Discovering your why will motivate you, will inspire you and will help you consistently make healthier decisions and help you get more out of life both physically and emotionally.

Next we will work on the specifics to creating an achievable fitness and wellness plan for 2012! 

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.-Mahatma Gandhi

To your success,

Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Goal for 2012 - Fit & Healthy!

The goal for 2012- Fit & Healthy!

Welcome!  Over the next several weeks we will be working together to help you attain the healthy body and lifestyle you desire. We all deserve to live more joyful, abundant and healthier lives, but for many it is emotionally difficult to start a new fitness program.  When working with clients, one of the first challenges we work on is the healthy mindset. We need to get your mind set for success.  I don’t want you to just “try” a fitness program or a new healthy menu.   I want you to decide right now that it is time for you.  Decide right now that you are fully committed to making 2012 your healthiest year ever and you will work towards becoming the healthy person you deserve to be, finally and forever.

 "Take the first step of faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step". -
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

To your success,
Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H