Make the commitment! Each time you take action towards your personal fitness and wellness goals, you will find that you reaffirm and deepen your commitment. One of the first steps that my clients are required to do on a regular basis is to write down their goals and keep a daily journal. This is to ensure that they become totally accountable to themselves. So your first step is to get a journal and start writing! So what should you write in your journal? A good place to start is to answer a few questions - Why do I want to start exercising consistently? Why do I want to lose weight? Why do I want to kick the bad habits? More importantly, why right now? Discovering your why will motivate you, will inspire you and will help you consistently make healthier decisions and help you get more out of life both physically and emotionally.
Next we will work on the specifics to creating an achievable fitness and wellness plan for 2012!
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.-Mahatma Gandhi
To your success,
Nancy DiCioccio, M.P.H
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